Technology, distilled.

How a client’s white board became a story about a boy.

To most, the white board above is a non-sensical collection of scribbles, notes and indecipherable diagrams. But to our client, it describes the essential technology behind the products they sell… among the world’s most powerful data storage devices. The last thing that anyone would see here is a science fiction movie about a boy and a chance discovery. That’s where we come in.

Working closely with our clients at Dell EMC we saw the opportunity to use our own essential technology to engage, entertain and inform their customers. Storytelling. Going beyond the usual talking heads solution, we instead distilled the technological information behind their products into a science fiction adventure that was so successful it more than doubled engagement with their customers and grew to four episodes, the last of which accompanied Michael Dell on the world stage to introduce a new generation of powerful storage devices.

The thing about a good story is that it will get watched more than once. In an attention economy, the coin of the realm is attention. And that’s exactly what we do for our clients. We get them attention. And that drives revenue. It’s why the stories we tell mean business. Show us your white board and we’ll tell you a story.